If you experience a popcorn appearance, uneven pressure and one tank emptying before the other, it is an indication that your spray foam tanks were not warm enough before using them. Make sure you warm them up to 24-29deg, shake them up good before starting and change the tips often.
We suggest leaving your tanks by a heater over night and checking the heat with an Infrared reader before use. You can get creative by placing your tanks in your hot tub for 30 minutes and wrapping with a towel to hold the heat. Or do it right with our new Tiger Tank Warmers which are designed to keep Tiger Foam at the optimal temperature for your application.
Likewise if the spray foam becomes too hot, the application will not be ideal. Wait for the product to cool down to the optimal temperature before proceeding.
If you did make a mistake, you may spray over the sticky spot in question. At any time you run into any challenges, please give us a call to talk to a technician or customer support representative to walk you though your questions.
“Thank you very much for all the work you’ve done; the product normally would speak for itself and all the information, from background to technical specs to installation tips, is very valuable. It made me call the company; you personal service, however, is what made the buying decision easy. Without all your support, and that of the technician, I don’t think I would have had as good an experience as I did with the product, even with my challenges. Your commitment, and the technician’s, to quick callbacks really impressed me. I will definitely recommend Tiger foam to anyone.”